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The Proven Process to Manifest Money

How to Manifest Money Easily... The Million Dollar Question

The ONE thing I get asked about more than anything else is… how do you manifest more money?

Everyone wants to know the secret sauce, but the good news is that it’s quite simple. In this blog post, you’ll discover the exact process I personally used to manifest a 7-figure net worth by the age of 33, 6-figure deposits into my checking account, and a financially free life where I get to do what I want when I want.

It’s also the same process I teach to my clients who have had some WILD results. Like my client Matt, who manifested a $36,000 payday (his biggest) within 48 hours of us working together. Even a random TikTok user pieced together this process from my videos and manifested $13,000.

Now I’m not going to be like all the “gurus” out there and act like I’m handing you a winning lottery ticket. But what I’m about to share with you will virtually guarantee you achieve your version of financial success.

Whether that’s making an extra $2k-$5k or more per month in your business, getting a raise at work, or having your side hustle explode to the next level, this process has the power to put more cash in your pocket.

The Process of Manifesting Financial Success

Step 1: Focus on the "Who" Rather Than the "How"

Consider your dream outcome. What does financial success look like to you? Get clear on your financial goal, like the actual amount of money you want or how big you want your business to be. Then ask yourself this VERY important question:

Who would I be and how would I feel if I already achieved this goal?

The idea here is to begin crafting a new identity and determining what that version of yourself looks like. If you already achieved your version of financial success, what would you believe about yourself? What would you believe about money? What type of person would you BE?

Once you’ve determined WHO you need to become, then you can move on to Step 2.

Step 2: Compare Who You Are Today with Who You Need to Become

The goal here is to investigate where the current version of yourself is out of alignment with your financial goals.

Do you have beliefs that are not congruent with having a lot of money or financial success? Maybe you believe money is hard to come by or that it takes a long time to make a lot of money. Maybe you don’t believe you deserve it, or that you’re not good enough or smart enough. Perhaps you’re afraid of what other people will think if you become uber successful. Do you have a fear of judgment? Fear of failure? Fear of success even?

All the beliefs and fears you have running subconsciously make up who you are today. Once you determine where you are currently out of alignment with that future version of yourself, you can move on to Step 3.

Step 3: Rewire Your Subconscious Mind for Success

At a real neurological level, you can eliminate unwanted beliefs and fears permanently and “install” new subconscious programs. Once you upgrade your subconscious programs, you will automatically become a new and improved version of yourself. You’ll instantly BECOME the type of person you need to be to effortlessly achieve those financial goals you’ve set for yourself.

Manifesting financial success isn’t about luck or wishful thinking. It’s about transforming your identity and aligning your subconscious mind with your financial goals. By focusing on who you need to become, comparing your current self with your future self, and rewiring your subconscious mind, you can achieve the financial success you desire.


Whenever you're ready to hit the rocket fuel button 🚀 on your manifestations, there are three ways I can help you:

1. Join The Inner Circle: This is the community of people who are dedicated to self-growth and reprogramming their subconscious blocks. With weekly group hypnosis and coaching, plus some exciting bonuses, you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

2. Work 1:1 with me. Need more support from a mindset personal trainer? I hypnotize entrepreneurs, influencers, and athletes so they can max out their performance and make more money. Apply for a free strategy session. 

3. Download The Mind Mod App:  Get unstuck from mental blocks and self-doubt by eliminating procrastination, boosting confidence, and unlocking your ultimate success. 


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