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Trauma: Big T vs. small t

Breaking Free from Your Past: A Guide to Manifestation

Have you ever felt like your past is holding you back from living your best life? You’re not alone. Tackling your past is a crucial step towards manifesting a life you’re proud of. Today, we’re diving into how your past might be sabotaging your manifestations and what you can do about it.

Trauma: Big T vs. small t

Not all trauma is equal. Some people go through ‘Big T’ Trauma—physical or mental abuse, major accidents, natural disasters, and similar significant events. Others face ‘small t’ trauma—moments of embarrassment, guilt, shame, or general discomfort.

But here’s the kicker: ALL trauma can mess with your emotional and psychological well-being. Big or small, traumatic moments shape how you see yourself and the world around you. These moments create new beliefs and trigger fears without you even realizing it.

Those beliefs and fears dictate how you interact with the world—and subsequently, what you manifest. Your manifestations reflect your emotional programs. If you have fear, anxiety, or self-doubt, you’ll feel stuck. These emotional programs stop you from taking the actions you need to manifest your desires.

This issue is particularly common among entrepreneurs who struggle to show up confidently in their business. They often think they’re not good enough or are scared to put themselves out there. These programs affect how they deal with clients and social media, which, of course, affects their income.

Healing and Moving Forward

The good news is that addressing past trauma and eliminating those emotional blocks is not only possible, but it’s also essential for manifesting and achieving your goals. By working through past trauma and healing emotional wounds, you will find yourself embracing change, taking action, and experiencing profound transformation in all areas of your life. But it starts by facing the hardest memories. The way out is the way through—always.

Getting Started on Your Healing Journey

The best way to get started on your healing journey is to make a list of all the beliefs and fears you have that DON’T align with your ideal life. Once you have that list, you can systematically go through each one and reprogram them subconsciously by using modalities like hypnosis.

Finding Support

If you need support, consider joining a community or group that focuses on healing and manifestation. Joining my Inner Circle gives you access to my courses and our weekly community hypnosis and coaching calls. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Addressing your past and reprogramming your subconscious beliefs is a journey, but it’s one that will bring you closer to living the life you desire. You’ve got this.




If you’re ready to get serious about transforming your subconscious beliefs into something that will actually benefit you and bring your desires to you much faster, consider joining The Inner Circle. With weekly group hypnosis and coaching, plus some extra exciting bonuses, you'll be well on your way to manifesting your dreams!


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