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Unlock Your Brain's Manifesting Power: The Triple P Technique

The Triple P Technique for Manifesting ANYTHING


Did you know your brain is already a manifesting machine?


Your brain was designed to manifest. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always manifest what you want. That’s why I created the Triple P Technique to help people like you manifest the awesome things you actually want in life.


What is the Triple P Technique

The Triple P Technique is a powerful manifestation tool that leverages real neurological processes and is guaranteed to help you manifest faster. Before we dive into the step-by-step instructions, it’s important to understand that your brain (and really your entire nervous system) has one goal in mind: to keep you alive.

It does this by constantly trying to move you away from pain and towards pleasure. This is an automatic function of your brain that happens whether you are consciously aware of it or not. Even though this happens subconsciously, you can leverage this innate process to help you manifest faster.


By amplifying your brain’s awareness of what represents pain and what equals pleasure.

The more aware your brain is of what causes you pain and pleasure, the faster it will push you away from the former and towards the latter. That’s the first important thing to note.

The second idea for you to solidify in that powerful mind of yours is that you can increase the likelihood of something happening up to 700% by simply rehearsing it in your mind first.

I kid you not... Rehearsing something in your mind just ONE time is scientifically proven to 7x your success rate.

Want a first date to go well? Mentally rehearse it first.

Want to crush a sales call? Mentally rehearse it first.

Want to win your pickleball match? Mentally rehearse it first.


The Triple P Technique: Step-by-Step

Let’s piece this all together so you can put my Triple P Technique in your back pocket. Find a place to either sit or lie down with your eyes closed. Then do your best to follow the steps below by using your imagination to the best of your ability.


Step 1: Leverage the Pain

Think about the worst-case scenario. What does your life look like if you never get your manifestation? How would going in the opposite direction of your manifestation affect you? How would it affect your family? Your health?

Imagine a scene in your mind that represents your manifestation never becoming a reality. Really bring up the emotion of how that makes you feel.


Step 2: Rehearse the Process

Let the first scene fade from your mind and now imagine a scene where you are taking one step towards your manifestation. Experience yourself in your own mind taking some sort of inspired action. An action that you intuitively know will help you get your manifestation.

Let’s say you are manifesting your dream body. Imagine seeing yourself at the gym working out or perhaps eating a healthy meal. You can run this scene in your mind a few times.


Step 3: Leverage the Pleasure

Imagine now that your manifestation has been fulfilled. Create a scene in your mind’s eye that represents your dream outcome. See the colors. Hear the sounds. Tap into all your senses.

Put yourself in the future where your manifestation has become a reality. And most importantly, bring up the good positive emotions attached to your manifestation and really FEEL them inside of you.

After you’ve let yourself experience that scene of your manifestation fulfilled for a few moments, slowly begin to reorientate yourself and open your eyes.

There you have it - the Triple P Technique.

The best part? It’s like gravity. It just works. You don’t even need to believe in it.

I’d love to hear what your experiences are with this technique. Share your thoughts and results!


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  2. Work 1:1 with me: I hypnotize entrepreneurs, influencers, and athletes so they can max out their performance and make more money. Apply for a free strategy session.

  3. Download The Mind Mod App:  Get unstuck from mental blocks and self-doubt by eliminating procrastination, boosting confidence, and unlocking your ultimate success.


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