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The Real Reason the Rich Get Richer

Uncategorized May 22, 2024


Why Do the Rich Get Richer?


Have you ever wondered why some people effortlessly achieve success and crush their goals while others live paycheck to paycheck despite working harder?

Maybe that’s you...struggling day in and day out just to get ahead. But no matter how hard you work, pray, or try to manifest success, you keep coming up short.

Well, there’s actually a reason for that! I’m going to share something with you that was taught to me by an uber-wealthy real estate mogul who never seemed to struggle a day in his life.

To protect his anonymity, let’s call him Rob.


Meet Rob: A Wealthy Real Estate Mogul’s Secret

Imagine a 65-year-old Ryan Reynolds playing a less lethal Deadpool. That was Rob. A badass, but with limitless wit and a childlike wonder still intact.

He was as kind as he was wise, and he shared something with me that completely changed the way I look at money and success.


Life-Changing Advice from a Millionaire

A few summers ago, I serendipitously met Rob at a poker table in Las Vegas. He wasn’t dressed fancy or wearing a nice watch, but I could just sense the success on him from across the table. You know the type.

One of the best habits I’ve ever developed is always asking successful people I meet for their best piece of advice. So after a couple of hours of playing together and a bit of small talk, I asked Rob what’s the one thing he would tell his 30-year-old self.


The $1 Lesson: Understanding Belief and Value

He reached into his pocket and pulled out at least $5000 in hundred-dollar bills. He spread the wad a bit, plucked out an old $1 bill, and held it out in front of himself.

“Do you believe you could make $1 tomorrow?” Rob asked.

“Of course. That’s easy. I could do that in my sleep. It’s ONLY a dollar!” I replied.

He then asked what $1 meant to me, and I shrugged and said, “not much.”


Shifting Your Money Mindset

Without hesitation, Rob reached into his other pocket and grabbed ANOTHER wad of at least $5000 in hundreds. With the dollar in his left hand and about $10,000 in his right hand, Rob nodded towards his right hand and asked, “Do you believe you could make $10,000 tomorrow?”

I said, “to be honest, Rob, I don’t believe so.”

Knowing that would be my response, he asked, “Well, what does $10,000 mean to you?”

Before I could finish rattling off all the things I could do with the money, Rob cut me off.

“That’s your problem, son. You think there’s a difference between $1 and $10,000.

I didn’t quite get the lesson that day at the poker table, but a few weeks later, I had an “aha” moment about what Rob had said.

It all comes down to belief and attachment.


How Belief and Attachment Impact Your Ability to Manifest Wealth

I believed I could make $1 because I had beliefs about what $1 represents. I thought to myself, “it’s ONLY a dollar.” What if I believed that the wad of hundreds was ONLY $10,000?

I also wasn’t attached to the dollar because, once again, it was ONLY a dollar. On the other hand, my attachment to $10,000 was far greater because of all the beliefs I had about what that amount of money would mean for my life.

In order to manifest anything, your level of belief must be high and your level of attachment must be low.

The rich get richer because…

… they are not attached to money the same way you are, and their beliefs about money are not dictated by dollar amount.

So by shifting your mindset and aligning your beliefs with your desires, you can break free from limiting patterns and start attracting the success you deserve. Remember, it's not about the amount of money but your perception and attachment to it. Start today by evaluating your beliefs and detaching from the outcome, and watch how your reality begins to change. 



If you’re eager to delve deeper into the concept of subconscious reprogramming, then contact Anthony Serino. Anthony is a knowledgeable and experienced hypnotist and mindset modification coach who can help you overcome your limiting beliefs and help you tap into your fullest potential. Email [email protected] for more information. 

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